March 8, 2013

The morning after.


Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 28 34. I had a whole post planned with birthday ramblings about getting older and wiser and where I was last year and where I am now and so on. You will get it eventually, but today I just don’t feel like rambling. Today I just feel insanely grateful (I just misspelled it greatful - which is sort of awesome) and much loved. I woke up to my little flat being in a complete state of chaos and it made me nothing but smile. In a mess of glasses, left over brioche hotdog buns and empty champagne bottles I also found a few unopened ones. I am not sure why I would be so lucky, but how can it not make my day to find champagne bottles instead of green juice first thing in the morning in the fridge?

And though I may sound like I’m practising my Oscar acceptance speech here, but I need to say thank you for … countless calls and emails, flowers, cupcakes, the four people who attempted to sing for me, so many wonderful and thoughtful presents, and the fact that I managed to fit 20 people in my little flat to celebrate with me!

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