June 4, 2012

Sunday expedition.

Sunday morning was less than ideal. My car battery had died Saturday night which I only discovered after a night of frivolities in Obz. It was also less than ideal that we still thought it a good idea to push my car down a oneway with no lights on in an attempt to get it started. Now the little car was parked far away from my friends' house and as I realized when in bed – without gear lock. Thus I had horrible dreams, completely convinced my car would be stolen, and already tried to come with financing, unsuccessfully I should add, for a new car while trying to fall asleep.

Reality came crushing down in sunny Obz when my car was not only unharmed, but we also managed to get it started within two minutes. Then I took the little car for a spin and to town and gave it all around lots of TLC. Though it seems I was the only one with a sleepless night for all the worry, the car showed no signs of suffering from any abandonment issues.

We – the car and me that is - went to the Garden Centre for some shopping to calm my nerves only to almost run into the Frenchman with now-not-so-new-anymore girlfriend. Does it ever pass? This feeling of how much one hates running into an ex without make-up after a sleepless night? They were coming out of Pick 'n Pay and luckily I was able to dodge the bullet, eh, the awkward hello and lying how good it was to see him. I quickly nipped into the movie store and then off to Woolies. There the magical thing happened. In the queue which was very long which was great, because there was: me, a really cute guy, lots of looks and little smiles, and some more looks and little smiles.

And so the equation goes:

Caudalie moisturizer, which makes you look glowing: R 350 
Woolies groceries: R 280
Flirting with a cute guy when not wearing any make-up and after almost running into an ex: Priceless

And this is why I like Woolies so much better than PnP...

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