June 21, 2012

Barbie on the go.

When I was a little girl all my clothes were pink. Of course, what else? Barbie was my best friend and Barbie liked it pink. One time I fell in love with a pair of red Nike sneakers with glittery Velcro strips. My Mum refused to buy them and stood the tantrum following this announcement bravely, because she knew I would never wear anything else than pink, glittery Velcro or not.
Much has changed in my wardrobe since. My friend Katrin once remarked that my wardrobe is pretty grey. Grey as in black, white, navy, and yes, grey. The last attempt I made of wearing something pink was a light rosé knit jersey wrap thingy from Nicolas Ghesquiere’s first collection ever for Balenciaga. I got it because I thought it would make me feel and look like a ballerina. It didn’t. I wore it twice. I still have it though, because I like to think that maybe one day it will turn me into the Swan Princess after all. And of course it is Balenciaga. Almost vintage Balenciaga by now. I couldn’t bear the argument with any future daughter of mine why I gave the Balenciaga to the maid and don’t I love her and how could I do that to her (that’s how I imagine my mother-daughter arguments…).
So that was it, no more pink for me. Till now. I went to Cape Union, my new favourite shop, and got my essentials for Zambia. My very pink essentials as it turns out:
Come now! Which girl can resist a pink headlamp and of course the water bottle has to match. So it seems you can take the Barbie out of the girl’s room, but you can never take her out of the girl’s heart…

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